My Goal

jacqueline | Oct. 26, 2022, 9:07 p.m. Might be a poem

 OK, let me start completely over. I can’t feel any shame in that. How can I paint a picture for you that you resonate with? Something that walk’s you down a journey where you can see every character's movement and the descriptions of the walls around you.

I want to take you on a beautiful mental journey where all of your senses come to life. While you read, I want different parts of your body to tingle. I want there to be moments where you feel excited to the point where your heart is racing to turn the page. I want to almost hypnotize you into a whole new setting outside of the place you chose to read.

I’ll try to take you up into the clouds far past your own imagination. Outside of the reality that you know and associate yourself with now. It will be beautiful and sad but, in the end, forever triumphant. I want to leave you feeling elated and motivated to get you through your day. To know that in the end of all the struggle, down the darkest tunnels, there is a beautiful light that is attainable in not just this story but your own.

I want you to feel inspired by the protagonist and live with them your dreams. Climb mountains you’ve never known of in the vast fields you’ve never seen. There will be shrubbery and fuckery of all the most exhilarating kinds. Tall and wide; small and stout, fishing in waters with the most delicious of trout. Your tastes buds will be tantalized by the words sizzling past your eyes. Goosebumps up your thighs during the most intimate of ocean tides. It will be the breeze of the century blowing your mind. You’ll stand there weightless in the sensations of the light show within the synapses shooting signals firecrackers, your brain booms in surprise. Stars dance behind your eye lids illuminating the fabrication upon your hands. Orchestrating a symphony where the crowd jumps up to cheer from the stands. An an-chore for more, where your atoms collide bouncing off each other molding your very core.

That’s the story I want to write for you, that’s the goal I want to complete. I just need to keep fighting the battles of my personal defeat.  

As Always,

Thank you for reading <3

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