jacqueline | July 11, 2022, 2:38 p.m. Might be a poem
What do writers do?
They write.
What do they do when they don't write??
They think.
So many thoughts
So many missed opportunities
Great ideas lost in the minds very distant eye
But when the chance is precented
To write those thoughts down
Even if they don't make sense then
Something mattered enough to not forget it
A possible stroke of genius
Could just be an unconscious thought
the answer to our prayers
Letting go of all this grappling
between the need to control and let go
and the thoughts we allow to flow
Reconstruct and resonate
Rebuild and recreate
All the memories souped up together
Being picked at random by spoon full
The smells that bring you back there
The taste that makes you hungry
It's all there inside our minds
Only to be remembered for that second
As you walk past the blooming tree
Or the oak wood fence
The smell of pine
a familiar feeling
Can bring all of that back
All those feeling
All the colors and the smells
It's all there
Behind the words
You paint your picture
bring it to life
give it color, motion, light
Every breath brings you deeper
To that sacred special place
The one where memories are swimming pools
Clear waters that go for miles down
Forever exploration.
It's not just writing.
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