jacqueline | Aug. 12, 2022, 3:09 a.m. Might be a poem
She was made up of stars, the universe itself.
The world was made on a magical level to contain her.
To protect and observe her.
The stars would watch
as she struggles brakes and triumphed.
If she triumphed.
It was when she discovered who she really was
that had the tables turned.
Now the observer became the observed
She wanted to know why she was made and what the stars would do about it
her impatiens grew as time did
the time encompassed to encage her
trapped in an eternal loop where her only end would be to set herself on fire
The more aware she became,
the smaller the world got
Suddenly across oceans felt across streets
encaged and entrapped
She studied the stars intensely
for days she would sit
looking up
She was not going to entertain any longer
Her struggle was over
She now watched what her existence meant
As the years decades millennials went bye
She sat
and watched the stars circle around her
Wondering how it would end
If it ever would.
She aged and died and was born again
as she continued to run through the hourglass of her life
she watched
She didn't struggle
She had triumphed
She had also given up
All that was left to do
was wait
Until the stars revealed her truth beyond entertainment
The eternal flames of her heart consumed her
until she sat
her breath carried the winds of the world
every breath bringing it in and out
As if her physical heartbeat controlled the entirety of her existence
As she continued to breath she began to feel
feel more than ever
until she watched as her world imploded right through her heart
and she exploded
as she hovered weightless
outside any physical realm
she finds
That she is the universe
she was the stars
as she floats in her eternity
watching comets collide
she floats
endlessly in the vast nothing of the stars
She sees
There she lives
Until she creates herself again
and finds her reason to live
once more.
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