Book Club?

jacqueline | Aug. 4, 2023, 1:28 a.m. The Ramble

I've been reading too much. Maybe I just feel that I want to share so much of what I've read. I want to invite people into my aha moments. There is so much information that is just blowing me away. I'm trying to do the opposite of ostracizing myself for knowledge's sake and instead invite people to learn with me. 

I went to the library today in hopes I could use the community space, but it turns out that is only for non-profits or homeowner associations. I mean, what I'm suggesting isn't about profit. It's about inviting people to read with me and together. Bring people together to talk about books! Yay! right?!...or not? Maybe I'm the only one super excited about getting more people to read with me. It'll be fun, especially with friends who would read with you. What a great idea, I'm on board. 

I'll have to go to the town and bring up the need for a community space where people can come together, not just at a park but in a place that is warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot. My vision here is to invite people to a book club of sorts. I don't want to say "club" because I'm not over here trying to make it exclusive, I want it to be inclusive.

I'm reading through a few books that I think would be beneficial to read with a community. Group study is always healthy for people no matter what age. I'm a bit of a bookworm to even get so excited about this. Maybe most people won't be that excited about reading but might enjoy being around a group of people doing things that stimulate their mind and give them ideas to better their own life. 

I'm going to start collecting emails or some sort of contact from people who'd like to stay in the loop of this idea in hopes that it would be just a cool way to grow as a community and have a healthy growing mindset. I think it's pretty cool, and in case you run into me...I might bring this up in conversation so if you have any book suggestions, give them to me! I do already have some books in mind. 

The first one - "Survival of the Friendliest" By Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods

The second one - "The Healing Self" By Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph E. Tansi, Ph.D. 

Two books I'm currently trying to finish and develop a cool little plan for how we would go over the material as a group and maybe get different people's opinions. It could evolve into more thought-provoking books and research or self-study! ^.^ I talked to my friend Billy who reads a BUNCH of books and comics, and he recommended short stories that have an evolution of consciousness through storytelling, which is also a great idea. I think I'm focused on these two books at the moment, but I definitely could see this expanding into more options.

Bring people together with the dream of support and community. Love it! Plus, if you think about it, we need more reasons to get together besides just to drink. I'm not trying to convince you; I'm trying to inspire you. 

But hey, right now it's just a prototype in my brain. Working out the kinks but trying to turn this into a possibility. 

ALSO! I made a friend recently who is an admirer of board games. I had no idea that there was a world that revolved around board game fandom. How cool! I think I'll dive into that world a little and see if there are some unique board games to bring to the table. Billy already has his video game gig that I'm super stoked about and going to go check out after hanging out at the library for my one-hour-a-day commitment. I'm going to be blogging more regularly...I say this, then I'll end up splitting myself in twenty different directions, but I want to keep the consistency. It feels healthy. Even if no one reads this, I feel a sense of accomplishment every time I finish a post. Like yay! I did it! So hey, I do mean it when I say thank you. I'm practicing being a writer, that is basically what this whole blog is about and was ever about. I write about writing. It's funny to me but for some reason, it brings me joy and I only hope you find a smile here too. 

As always, 

Thank you for being a part of the journey. 

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